It's about time the leaders of our country go back and look at the history of our country and decide what we, Ameicans, are all about. The pussy footing leaders of this country are going down the path of destruction for this great land and if they don't make some drastic changes in the near future, the nation as we know it, or more realistically, the nation as we knew it, won't exist for our next generation of citizens.
The key word is freedom for all in this country. Freedom for "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," as our Declaration of Independence says. The freedom to practice religion on one's beliefs is paramount. This country was founded by people who departed their birth-lands so they could worship the God of their choice.
This country is being challenged once again by people (including countries and organizations) who do not cherish our nation's beliefs. The fact of the matter is that many of these organized groups want to see our way of life end and to get brutally frank, they want us DEAD. The want the destruction of our USA. They don't want people to have life, liberty and they sure don't want others to be happy. They want to dictate their beliefs on others, beliefs that do not give individuals freedom to live, make personal choices, and be happy. If you are a woman, you can be vioated of your human rights. If you are gay you can be vioated of your human rights. If your God is not their God you can be violated of your human rights. Many of these people would kill you for your beliefs. Does Nazi Germany ring a bell? How in any right mind can our leaders try to negotiate, work with, appease, and cower down to these groups? You are insane if you think you can work with these people.
What are the changes we, as a nation, must make?